豊橋市自然史博物館研究報告 第29号(2019年3月) |
目次 | 本文 |
短報 (Short notes) | |
大仲知樹・林 進:愛知県小牧市で確認されたマルタニシCipangopaludina chinensis laeta の検討-在来種か否かの視点から- [Ohnaka, T. and Hayashi, S.: An examination for the distribution of Cipangopaludina chinensis laeta from Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture — On the viewpoint of indigenous species or not —] |
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楠 賢司・延原尊美・太田未来・松岡敬二・西 浩孝:2007 年における愛知県豊川下流域のシジミ属(ヤマ
トシジミ,マシジミ,タイワンシジミ)の分布と同一環境における殻形態の比較 [Kusunoki, K., Nobuhara, T., Ohta, M., Matsuoka, K. and Nishi, H.: Spatial distribution of three Corbicula species (C. japonica, C. leana, and C. fluminea) in the lower reaches of the Toyogawa River, Aichi refecture, central Japan in 2007 and comparison of their shell forms under the same environmental condition] |
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記録 (Records) | |
坂本博一・西 浩孝・松岡敬二:豊橋市の上庄池と大口池で確認された淡水動物 [Sakamoto, H., Nishi, H. and Matsuoka, K.: Freshwater faunas of irrigation ponds, Jyousyou-ike and Ookuchiike in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan] |
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西 浩孝・松岡敬二:蒲郡市でヒダリマキマイマイ(ナンバンマイマイ科)を確認 [Nishi, H. and Matsuoka, K.: Record of the land snail Euhadra quaesita quaesita (Camaenidae) from Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan] |
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西 浩孝:渥美半島表浜でツノメガニとナンヨウスナガニ(スナガニ科)を確認 [Nishi, H.: Records of the ghost crab Ocypode ceratophthalmus and O. sinensis (Ocypodidae) from the Pacific Coast of Atsumi Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan] |
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長谷川道明・戸田尚希・蟹江 昇:愛知県の甲虫目録4 愛知県のアオハムシダマシ類 [Hasegawa, M., Toda, N. and Kanie, N.: Records of the Genus Arthromacra from Aichi Prefecture, Japan (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Lagriinae)] |
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大仲知樹・向井貴彦:愛知県犬山市で発見された国内外来種ムギツク [Ohnaka, T. and Mukai, T.: First record of non-indigenous freshwater fish, Pungtungia herzi (Cypriformes: Cyprinidae) collected from Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture] |
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