豊橋市自然史博物館研究報告 第27号(2017年3月) |
目次 | 本文 |
短報 (Short note) | |
島田知彦:愛知教育大学に収蔵されていた明治年間のアカハライモリの標本―特に渥美種族と推定される個体について [Shimada, T. : Specimens of Cynops pyrrhogaster preserved in Aichi University of Education since the Meiji Era— especially focusing on samples preliminary identified as the Atsumi race] |
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記録 (Records) | |
Haga, T and Hasegawa, K. : The overlooked diversity: occurrence of a microscopic gastropod Pelycidion
(Mollusca: Caenogastropoda: Pickworthiidae) from the Middle Pleistocene Toyohashi Formation, Atsumi
Group, central Honshû, Japan [芳賀拓真・長谷川和範:渥美層群豊橋層産の微小巻貝ハマケシツボ属(軟体動物門:新生腹足類:ソビエツブ科) 化石(英文)] |
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坂本博一・西 浩孝・松岡敬二:豊橋市のため池で確認された淡水動物(2015 年度) [Sakamoto, H., Nishi, H. and Matsuoka, K. : Freshwater fauna of irrigation ponds in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan recorded during 2015–2016] |
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西 浩孝・芳賀拓真・松岡敬二:三河湾岸におけるスナガイ(軟体動物門:腹足綱:キバサナギガイ科)の新産地 [Nishi, H., Haga, T. and Matsuoka, K. : Discovery of Gastrocopta armigerella armigerella (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Vertiginidae) along the coast of Mikawa Bay, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan] |
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長谷川道明:豊橋市自然史博物館に新たに収蔵された東海地方産絶滅危惧甲虫の標本について [Hasegawa, M. : Specimens of some threatened beetles of the Tokai District, newly preserved in Toyohashi Museum of Natural History] |
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西 浩孝:渥美半島西ノ浜の潮間帯においてヒガシナメクジウオ(脊索動物門:ナメクジウオ綱:ナメクジウオ科)を確認 [Nishi, H. : A discovery of Branchiostoma japonicum (Chordata: Leptocardia: Branchiostomidae) from intertidal zone of Nishino-hama beach, Atsumi Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan] |
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