豊橋市自然史博物館研究報告 第26号(2016年3月) |
目次 | 本文 |
短報 (Short note) | |
森 勇一・松岡敬二:愛知県柴石峠の中新統設楽層群から産出した甲虫化石 [Mori, Y. and Matsuoka, K. : Two fossil Scarabiod beetles (Coleoptera) from the Miocene Shitara Group at Shibaishi-pass, Aichi Prefecture, Japan] |
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記録 (Records) | |
坂本博一・西 浩孝・松岡敬二:豊橋市のため池で確認された淡水動物(2014年度) [Sakamoto, H., Nishi, H. and Matsuoka, K. : Freshwater fauna of irrigation ponds of Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan recorded during 2014-2015] |
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北河紗衣・西浩孝:三河湾で絶滅危惧種の二枚貝ムラサキガイを確認 [Kitagawa, S. and Nishi, H. : The occurrence of an endangered bivalve, Hiatula adamsii (Psammobiidae) from Mikawa Bay, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan] |
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西 浩孝・北河紗衣:三河湾の干潟で絶滅危惧種のヤドリカニダマシ(十脚目:異尾下目:カニダマシ科)を発見 [Nishi, H. and Kitagawa, S. : The occurrence of an endangered decapod, Polyonyx sinensis (Anomura: Porcellanidae) from a tidal flat in Mikawa Bay, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan] |
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長谷川道明・金 郁彦・大場裕一:知多半島で確認されたハマベゾウムシについて [Hasegawa, M., Kin, I. and Oba, Y. : Rediscovery of the flightless supralittoral weevil, Aphela gotoi (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from the Chita Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture, Japan] |
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